Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Does Social Media Make Us Lonelier?

Here's a story that starts with a guy who didn't talk for 17 years. I don't know if I'll understand why he did that but apparently he lasted for 17 years. Now he's an established author and speaker.

This story look at how social media makes us lonelier. Based on studies from the US it does make us lonelier. With the Philippines being one of the biggest users of social media I wonder how true it is for us Filipinos. I feel it's not as bad though because as a culture we really have closer relationships with family and friends. Social media probably helped expand the number of close friends you have. The case can be made though that maybe Facebook may have created small 'secret' rifts among friend where you secretly despise a friend because of political affiliations, humble brag posts or just irritatingly active on the platform. I've unfollowed and even unfriended a bunch of them.

Maybe at the onset everybody was trying to get as many friends as they wanted. But as we grew with the platform we probably just realized that we just don't need that many. Actually, I think we've created smaller cliques with the messaging apps. I have a small basketball clique that I enjoy where for some reason we never invited more to it. Probably because adding people will just ruin the dynamic we enjoy in that group. That group can beat out the starters with NBA insights anytime.

Happy Valentines! I hope everyone has real connections!

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