Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Consider the possibilty...then create reality

I posted this as my status message on my Facebook account and apparently 2 people like it. Two people isn't such a big deal but I like what it says and that's what should matter. Placing it here is my way of saving this thought.

They say what you think becomes real. When you're prayers are answered it simply meant that you wanted something really bad and kept repeating the idea on your head and in your prayers. So what you thought of you created. Thought becoming reality.

"And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you."

Looking back in my life, I realize that some of my thoughts have actually translated into reality (both good and bad). My lesson here is always keep positive thoughts. Create what you want in life, work towards it and make it real! Consider the possibility and create your reality!

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