Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pandemic Romance Going Viral

I love following the Instagram account Humans of New York and more recently I followed New York Nico. The compelling stories of Humans in New York and the characters of the people in New York Nicos account provide a window to what many believe to be the greatest city on the world. I've been to New York once when I was probably 10 years old. At that time my goal was to visit all the tallest building in the city we would visit in the US. I got to go up the Empire State Building and the Twin Towers. What stuck to me however, if my memory serves me right, was seeing the police arrest a guy in the streets. It must have frightened my mother who was taking 3 kids along with here to see this kind of scenario. All the movies and songs about the city however, creates such an impression about the city and it's characters. With it's blend of culture and the mix of nationalities I can't argue when people when they say it's the greatest city in the world.

This story just adds to the millions of stories that makes New York - New York. It happened in Brooklyn though. But isn't that part of New York as well? As a Filipino, I hope I'm given that leeway to clump them together. The video can easily tell the story but as a romcom fan, and in the age of social media you can easily look deeper and follow through on their story.

Here's Jeremy Cohen's account:
And here's Tori Cignarella's account:
As I was looking through their accounts I sadly found out that one of Tori's aunts was a victim of the pandemic. Her name was Remy, which sounded very Filipino. One of those who posted a comment asked if she was Filipino and it turns out she 1/4 Filipino. If you are part Filipino, even if it's 1/100 as long as you have Filipino heritage, Filipino's and the local media would love this content.

This story has been on the news for the past two weeks and I just came across it. It does seem the their story continue to develop and I've started following them on social media. I do hope, I'm sure we all do, that this story goes on to their happily ever after since we all need a feel good story to come out of this tragedy.

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