Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 New Year Mantras

A video was suggested in YouTube this morning entitled "These Simple Words Will Help You Through Life's Difficult Situations" via the Daily Stoic. Being the new year and a somewhat tough 2019, I decided to watch the video. If you believe in divine inspiration or that the world somehow finds ways of telling you how to live your life, for me this seems to be one of those moments. It's one of the few time I actually wrote the videos key main points immediately after watching it. There are essentially three separate videos edited to one long video and here are it's main points.

AMOR FATI - not merely bear what is necessary but love it. It simply says love the situation you are in - whatever it may be, whether it's good or bad. The literal translation from Latin is "Love your fate". This is where your are destined to be. Love where you are. Embrace your suffering and go through it. These are situations where life makes you stronger. Embrace your happiness. That is when you realize what life is all about. Embrace it with love for love is the power of life.

YOU CONTROL HOW YOU PLAY. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in you control how you play. You control how you feel. You control what you think. You control how you act. You control where you will go. You are responsible. Whatever the world throws at you have the power to handle it. Take that power, take that responsibility and move forward.

MEMENTO MORI - you could leave life right now. The literal Latin translation is "remember you must die". Memento mori essentially places an endgame for everything. Life will end and there is nothing you can do about it. For your everyday problems, and also the bigger hurdles we can go through life....this too shall pass. However long it takes, this too shall pass. We will all have the same ending whether we are rich or poor - we die. Tomorrow is never promised. We don't know when our endgame is, so live each moment as it flows and "sip the marrow out of life" - CARPE DIEM from my favorite movie "Dead Poet's Society".

Amor Fati, Control How You Play, Memento Mori.....I'll add Carpe Diem. It would have been nice if they were all in Latin but cie la vie....Happy New Year!!

Watch the full video below.

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