Friday, May 24, 2019

WeWork - Will it Work?

Aspiring entrepreneurs are very luck to live at a time where it's encouraged and there are people and entities will to fund and take a chance on a great business idea or concept. We are now surrounded by what are known as "unicorns" such as Facebook, Google and Uber. The latter however isn't making money...yet. Based on it's recent IPO where it tanked it may take a long time before it becomes profitable. WeWork is expanding or maybe pivoting to create more businesses around it's core business. I don't think it's going to work though. I just want to place it here to see whether I'll be right or wrong.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Is Your Smartphone Actually Making You Unproductive?

Smartphones has literally made people live in the present. Something that's happening halfway around the world can be viewed conveniently on your smartphone. People working in different locations and time zones can easily work together as a team. But can these benefits also make people unproductive. Send out a message or an email and the person you are sending it to will get it in less than a second. In the case of instant messaging you will even know if it has been sent, received and read - which adds to the paranoia depending on what type of message you are sending. With all these messages or notifications which can come from different social groups going into one device - can these make people more stressed?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Facial Recognition: The Good and The Bad

Here's an interesting episode of BBC Click, it's actually about artificial intelligence and machines but it delves into facial recognition. The UK has placed a lot of cameras in their cities to prevent crimes and it has the ability to identify people. Based on the episode San Francisco has decided against it. A few years back Facebook actually implemented some form of facial recognition technology wherein it automatically identifies the people who are included in the photos you post. I found the technology quite scary and creepy that it can easily identify your pictures. For some reason probably because of clamor against it it didn't push through with the implementation. Obviously the technology works very well. From what I gather the rationale of Facebook was that it will use the facial recognition technology to warn you if other people will use your pictures to create fake profile. It needed your permission to use the technology - given that it's no longer coming up they probably shelved implementation. I'm quite sure though that they use and experiment on the software constantly.

The BBC Click episode is quite interesting showing the good and the bad of the facial recognition technology.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Google I/O

For those wondering what Google I/O means it's Google Input Output, from what I gather it's an event Google does to showcase new developments in their platform. Because we all probably use Google in some form or another we will all be affected by these new developments. The 3D Google maps interface would be a particular interest since it's hard to orient yourself while walking and looking at the map. Makes me wonder though if it has features which shows inside of structures - at least malls, museums or other such public places.