Sunday, June 27, 2010

A talk from - Measuring what makes life worthwhile

I am at the beginning of a new journey of starting my own business. I've been wanting to start something on my own ever since realizing I will never be happy with how other people run things. I always feel so smart that I think I can do better (this is not necessarily true though). This was actually something that was forced upon me and I realize that I will probably never start my own if I was never forced in this situation. The security knowing where you paycheck will come from is just hard to let go.

When I had to accept that I had to do things own my own I sent an SMS message to myself to help me remember a few guidelines or a certain philosophy I should follow when I start my business - Work should be fun, work with people you like - a happy environment creates better results.

It's just a simple realization that work is just a means to an end and being happy should be the ultimate goal.  The old cliche goes find work that you love and you will never have to work a single day of our life. Well, this is my goal now and this should be my guiding creed. It is quite serendipitous that I ran across this talk on one of my favorite websites

I was part of a start-up company a few years back and I saw the importance of having a vision and developing a corporate identity this is touched briefly on the video I will be posting. Even as a person you have to at least know who you are to move forward and find your happiness.

Enjoy the talk and know what you really want to value in life.

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