Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cool Christmas Campaign

The most irritating part of social media and the internet these past few days are the increase of unwelcome advertising forcing themselves through the various platforms. In Instagram (IG) for instance there's a significant increase of ads being placed in between your feed. The worst part in IG, a huge percentage if it are spam. It's either misleading ads or downright repetitive and spam advertising. They are poorly laid out and instantly looks like a bad product. In YouTube, since the content creators don't consider ads in between what they produce, ads are placed in the middle without considering the flow of the materials and several ads are placed before and after the videos.

I did find a good ad and advocacy by an online payment product which came on just right. The content creator probably had a hand on how they would execute it but the concept was subtly pushed. It was a good 'pay it forward' campaign where they simply tried to give Christmas giveaways, in these examples food to not so random strangers but within the context of the content they produce, or in the case of Ramon Bautista he played it in a good way.

Merry Christmas and I hope the people who received the gifts really did pay it forward. Maybe I should to...

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