Thursday, February 7, 2019

Will Facebook Disapear?

I seem to be seeing a lot of articles and press out about trouble in Facebook. The video below asks "What will replace Facebook?". I see a feature on CNN about power struggles and internal politicking happening in Facebook. The privacy issues and breach in user data were the big problems of the platform last year. Some have went of the 'grid' (I actually just know of one person) or maybe they just limited their use. It's hard for me to imagine 2 billion users getting of a platform and Facebook simply going away. Social networks going away already happened though with Friendster and  MySpace (let's include Multiply as well, if people still remember that). Based on articles I went through the issues of these networks were they couldn't innovate fast enough. All these network started around 2003 - 2005 and only Facebook came out and is overly dominant.

My biggest issue personally with Facebook is that it was and is still being used by those with power to influence people. In the Philippines and in the US, digital marketers found out that you need only a noisy few and some fake news to spread and you can win elections. Facebook has to own up to this and remedy the situation. Maybe having a free for all platform still makes the strong stronger. People should start being more aware of this and do their own fact checking before spreading content. Unfortunately it might be to much to ask of people.

What happened to Friendster?
What happened to MySpace?

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