1. Macbook - I bought this 2 years ago since I didn't have any PC or laptop at home. I initially wanted just a regular laptop but a friend insisted that I get this because at that time I was to help her develop her design business. Nothing really came out of that except for this nice Macbook which I only use for the internet at home.
2. Compaq laptop - This was issued by the office most file here are for work. I essentially have my work laptop and my personal laptop. This works quite well so I can really separate work and personal files. You won't see any "bad" stuff on my work PC but of course I still have some personal stuff here it's really hard to keep things separate. Sometimes I find myself having the 2 laptops open to fix my stuff.
I have been offered by the Laptop dude several times to change my office laptop when the opportunity comes but I always decline the offer because it's such a hassle to transfer files. Unless he give me a lighter one or a new Macbook then I'll take him up on that offer.
3. Canon S2 IS - When I bought this camera 3 years ago I told myself I this would be my first and last digital camera. I was actually advised to get a DSLR already but at that time I felt it was too expensive for me. The gap between this camera and comparable entry level DSLRs was still quite wide and I liked the zoom of the S2. I was happy with my camera until I learned from using it that a DSLR really takes better pictures. So now I am considering getting a DSLR and have actually done some research on it already. It's seems that the practical buy for me is the Canon 500D because of it's hi-def video capability.
3. Ipod Touch 2nd Gen - This was actually an 'accidental' purchase. I though I found a bargain in a shop in Bangkok but found out it was a 2nd hand unit. Since I was already dead set on the purchase I just bought a new one. I think this was worth it though especially when you need to burn time. Since I mostly use it for music the new Ipod Nano would probably have been a more practical purchase but I won't have the games. So this was a good buy for me. The wifi feature was also one of the things which I like so I could have internet on the go (I don't use this as often though).
4. I have 2 mobile phones a Nokia5000 for Smart and a Nokia6220 for Globe. I used my Globe phone to take the picture so it's not included in the photo above. So I'll just have a solo picture of it below.

Since Smart gives me a free phone every 2 years I simply availed of their offer for the free phone. Globe is not that generous so I would simply go to Greenhills and have them open the line of my old Smart phones. Unfortunately (or fortunately) either my phones fell from my bag or someone stole it. Which is why I had to go and get a spanking new phone for my self. Hence the Nokia6220, which I bought for its 5MP camera. It's not a great camera but it serves its purpose. I was looking at Sony-Ericsonn phone but they were simply way too expensive for the features I was looking for (5MP cam).
Now I'm thinking that I want a phone with wifi because for my need to be constantly connected either via the mobile internet or wifi. Hopefully it just remains as a though since these phones are expensive and its not really essential.
5. Mares Dive Computer - this was something that I felt was really worth it. This really helps me when I dive since I can now safely gauge how much time I can spend under water. It also counts down during my safety stop which I simply find cool simply because you see the countdown (minutes last longer if you don't see it tick away). This was probably one of the factors why I can now dive much longer.
6. Woof Mini Speaker - this is my Ipod's partner. It's not well designed though. It's not stable. So if you hit it full blast it moves around. It doesn't attach to well to the Ipod if you use the port. I would have liked to get the X-mini but it wasn't available at the time and at that time I really wanted to get a speaker already. But it works and it's here so there.
7. Logitech Wireless Mouse - I love this! Especially because I got it free! It's really convenient not having those wires and connectors (which I included in the photo). Really useful in client presentations. I can scroll through the presentation even if I am far from my laptop.
8. Sun and Smart USB dongles - pre-paid internet is just too expensive so a post paid Sun Broadband is the answer! No lock-outs for P799/mo. It's just good in Metro Manila though which is why SmartBro comes to the rescue. I had very fast connection in Bacolod and limited connection in the middle of nowhere. That works for me.
9. Sony Clie (RIP) - I think this gadget is already obsolete but I was still using this until I forgot to charge it and it lost all its memory (about 2007). So I technically lost my back-up to my contacts and my collection of quotes...maybe I should throw it away already.
When you purchase gadgets it follows that you purchase a bag that will carry them. So I also took pictures of my laptop bag and my camera case. Crumpler wasn't here yet when I bought my camera and that Samsonite case was the best I could get - again it serves its purpose. A new laptop bag is in my wish list. I want something with a waterproof cover since I walk to work with all the storms coming our way this would help. I'll prepare a wish list for Santa soon anyway. I hope he is reading this.